"New from the Kitchen"
Recipe of the Month - April 2012

Desserts: Key Lime Parfait
Serves: 6
When we lived in Miami we had many of our own key lime trees in the yard and always had plenty of limes. You can only drink so many gin & tonics so I had to use those limes for something else. Key lime pie has always been a favorite, and this twist is a pleasant and quick dessert.
Key limes are smaller then Persian limes and yellow rather than green. If you don't have your own trees you can get the juice in most grocery stores.
The dessert is garnished in the photo with a slice of lime and a leaf from our potted key lime tree just outside the Inns kitchen door.
1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs
1/4 cup chopped pecans
2 tablespoons butter- melted
1 oz cream cheese
14 oz Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensded milk
4 oz key lime juice
8 oz frozen whipped topping
For Whipped cream to garnish 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon powdered sugar
Combine the graham cracker crumbs, pecans and melted butter in a bowl
Beat the cream cheese in a medium bowl with mixer on low for 30 seconds. Blend in the condensed milk and key lime juice on medium for 30 seconds. Add a cup of whipped topping and mix on low for 15 seconds.
Put a layer of graham cracker in the bottom of the parfait glasses then spoon in the key lime mixture, add another layer of graham cracker and top with another spoonfull of key lime mixture.
Refrigerate for at least one hour.
When ready to serve, beat the hevy cream, vanilla and powdered sugar until if forms stiff peaks. Spoon a small amount on top of dessert and garnish.