Coeur a la Crème


"INN The Kitchen at Abingdon Manor"
A Collection of Most Requested Recipes

Desserts: Coeur a la Crème

½ pound cream cheese, softened
½ cup confectioner’s sugar
pinch salt
2 cups heavy cream
1-tbs vanilla extract

In a mixer, beat cheese until fluffy. Blend in sugar and salt. Add extract. In another bowl, beat cream until firm and add to cheese mixture, mix thoroughly by folding. Wring cheese cloth in ice water and put into Coeur mold or in a sieve and put in cheese mixture. Let drain over bowl overnight. Unmold onto serving plate and serve with sauce and fresh berries

Ingredients Raspberry Sauce
2 packages frozen raspberries
2 tbs cornstarch
½ cup currant jelly

Drain thawed raspberries, reserve liquid and add enough water to liquid to make 2 cups. Blend liquid with cornstarch and heat, stirring constantly. Boil 5 minutes. Stir in jelly and when the jelly is melted, remove from heat and add raspberries. Refrigerate.
